The Office Maven is now Maven Mauve
I’m rebranding and will be slowly winding up The Office Maven name. Check out or click the button below.
New business; focusing specifically on website builds plus maintenance.
You slave away to keep your website and
social media presence updated when all you
want to do is focus on your ideal clients.
social media presence updated when all you
want to do is focus on your ideal clients.
I take the hassle out of it for you.
You slave away to keep your website and social media presence updated when all you want to do is focus on your ideal clients.
I take the hassle out of it for you.
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The Office Maven
websites, content, social media
design and creation; words and images
Web Design
Refresh your old website or build a brand new site. With layouts built to meet your ideas and expectations.
Content Creation
Blogs written on topics that are specific to your niche, relevant to your thoughts and stem from your ideas.
Social Media
Gorgeous images, motivational quotes, promoting blog posts… I build a SM plan with you in mind.
Recent Project Work