You blog every week, yet ideas are running out.
You don’t have the time to spend
brainstorming ideas, nor writing about them.
You just plain don’t like writing.

I take the hassle out of it for you.

You blog every week, yet ideas are running out.

You don’t have the time to spend brainstorming ideas, nor writing about them.

You just plain don’t like writing.

I take the hassle out of it for you.

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I’m happy to write about any topic, but my strengths lie in IT due to my background; however, wellness is one I enjoy writing about as I learn so much. The following is a list of topics written about for clients. This does not include all of them, but should assist in giving you an idea if I can help your business out:

IT Related

  • Under-utilised Excel features
  • Awesome Google features
  • Cool features in Microsoft Word you might not know
  • Phishing and how to identify it
  • Cyber security trends
  • WordPress hacks and how to minimise vulnerabilities
  • Productivity tools to save time

Health & Wellness

  • Eating in moderation
  • Why wellness is more than just diet and exercise
  • Best time to work out
  • Being your best self
  • Benefits of proper nutrition
  • Benefits of sleeping well
  • Why exercise is about more than just weight loss
  • Nutrition
  • Sleep
  • Exercise
  • Yearly reflection


  • Tips to renew your resume
  • Top pre interview preparation tips
  • Top tips for cracking that interview
  • Building strong teams
  • Your occupational safety and health representatives
  • Client spotlights
  • ATO important dates

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