I’ve recently struggled with balancing my writing for my own website with my clients’ needs. I’ve mentioned before that this kind of thing happens and I know that it’s hard to get back on track once it occurs.
So far, I’ve missed two weeks’ worth of content; including my book review. You can imagine that if I’ve been too busy to blog much, finding time to read has also been difficult.
Yet, I’m not letting it stop me, nor am I beating myself up over it.
I figured this week, I can look at some of the tasks and projects I’ve had on the go, to let you know where I’ve been spending my time. Most of them fall under one of 4 categories, listed below plus a bonus one.
I’ve been writing a few different blogs recently, not for myself but for my clients to post on their websites; this includes writing the content and scheduling it to be posted plus creating social media images for them based on the blog.
Social Media:
Speaking of social media, I’ve been creating a few other images for social media clients and scheduling them to go out.
Well, not so much the photography component yet but working with Felicity of Felementary Designs to develop a new project in which photography plays a massive part. Scoping, research and everything related to it is underway.
I’ve been creating for clients a few websites recently, most of which are whitelisted under another name so they don’t appear in my portfolio (the downside to whitelisting).
I’ve been assisting in setting up landing pages, mailing list automations, sales funnel related content, and several ad hoc, last minute jobs; plus throw in prepping for sales meetings, networking and working on up skilling my knowledge on several topics as well as taking time for myself.
So what have I learnt from all of this?
- My timings in the past few months have been off when it comes to balancing my own work with those of my clients. I need to prepare and plan my schedule more to ensure that I utilise my time properly.
- Make use of my down time more to ensure that I top up my blog posts so that I avoid missing weeks in a row.
- Taking time for me is more important than ever, as I have noticed reduced stress, improved mood and increased productivity as a result.
- Sometimes, it’s okay to pass on a job if you know that you just won’t have time to do it justice. But, have a recommendation of someone who can do the work where possible.
- That forgiving myself for not meeting my own expectations of keeping up with everything feels better than stressing that I haven’t done the work.
- I’m not perfect, but I’m better for that. Imperfection allows the chance to learn, to grow, to continue to strive for better.
What are some lessons you’ve learnt recently due to work?
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