One Layout Change That Can Help Build Traction

One Layout Change That Can Help Build Traction

Did you know that how much information you have on your website can have a positive or a negative effect on how long someone remains on your website? Did you know that there is a quick way to minimise the negative effect? The Positive Effect The main reason people go... Read more

What’s in a photo?

When you consider your own website for your business, what photos do you have available on the home page? Are there any of you? Or are you hidden on the About Us page? The availability of stock images means that those people who want to have photos of anything in... Read more

3 of the Best WordPress Themes For Marketing

With me focusing on web design a lot recently, I’ve been trialling a number of themes that can be used in WordPress. I never thought I would be a loud advocate for WordPress previously, but I can understand the trend in people having sites built within. The... Read more

Security for your site

When I used to work in internet security, I loathed WordPress, Joomla and a few other platforms because they were the websites that were always being hacked. It surprised me though when I started really developing my own sites how much I loved WordPress because it was... Read more

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