The following blog post is a list of blogs I read during March that I found worthwhile of sharing with others. They cover a range of topics which relate to websites, marketing, social media and other topics.
Six Strategies for Creating Digital Content that Engages Prospects
Marketing is difficult when you are starting out, and even when you’ve been in business for a while. This blog covers a number of things I’ve talked about with my own content and content for clients. All of the points are important!
How to market your virtual serviced based business.
While this blog is written for those who have virtual businesses, so many of the points are relevant for ALL types of businesses.
3 Tips to Stay Organised
Carolina takes on personal time organisation in her blog and I love the way she does it. While nothing in the blog post are new ideas, it’s always great to have it reiterated; especially when it comes time to allocate time for other activities not just work.
6 Business Tools That are Completely Free
Another blog by Carolina. This one covering tools to help your business that are free. Whether it’s time tracking, Instagram planning or just storage, Carolina has a suggestion for you.
My Secret to Successful Networking
A large number of my clients are those I’ve built up relationships with from networking; thing is though, I hate networking because of my anxiety. Jemma’s blog post covers this topic brilliantly with a way to get through networking intact without allowing yourself to feel like a nervous nelly.
The Game Plan for Your Best Year Yet
Another fantastic blog from Jemma! This one focuses on setting goals, prioritizing and delegation. I really need to go through her homework questions on this one.
5 Things to Do in the Next Hour to Keep Your Customers Smiling
Karina posted this last year, but I was late to the party. While it’s focused towards her clients, who run various health practices, it has information that is relevant for most small businesses. Ways to keep your clients happy which allows your company to build up a great reputation.
What were interesting reads for you this month?
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